Membership systems are traditionally very expensive and complex and due to these core factors many organisations have failed to keep these important records databases updated.
As technology has upgraded in part of our everyday life, clients of membership organisations now expect a certain level of functionality and reliability and unfortunately are often disappointed with out-dated systems. This leads to frustration from members and a quick fall in member retention.
It makes sense, would you use an online store if it took your money but didn’t deliver a promised service? no. In some cases members have no choice, but where there is another organisation providing a similar service, it is happening, members are leaving for better service. So why doesn't everyone just keep their systems up to date? Sure, that would be ideal but......
We see many failed projects in the membership space and are often invited late to the project to investigate what went wrong and how to prevent this from happening again, the key reasons for project failure include:
The membership space is being disrupted, with many new products coming to market in the last year, which is great news for organisations that are faced with some of the above issues.
Membership systems are now more affordable than ever, completely cloud based as well as not need “upgrading” or license add-ons. Imagine an entire membership system with an eco-system of eLearning, Web content, Events and your staff being able to utilise and rely on the data that the membership system is acquiring.
If your membership system does not do the following, you need a new one:
How much would it cost to fix? Less than you think! But you need to know the right people, people you can trust to deliver what they promise. Here at Mition we are those people. Get in contact today!