Advanced Search

Documentation | Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature allows you to refine your search results by applying specific conditions to your data.

This guide will walk you through the process of using the filter function.

The Advanced Search can be used on any screen that contains a data table and can be a powerful search tool.

Accessing the Advanced Filter

  1. Locate the "Options" drop down.
  2. Select the "Advanced Search" option
  3. Click the + icon to add a new search filter
  4. Click on the "Select field" dropdown to choose the field you want to filter by (e.g., Username, Role, Status).
  5. Click on the "Select operator" dropdown to choose how the filter should be applied (e.g., "like", "not like", "in", "not in").

Understanding Operators

When selecting an operator, you will see multiple options:

  • like → Uses % as a wildcard for partial matches. Example: Searching ad% in a username field will match "admin" and "advisor".
  • not like → Excludes results that match the given pattern. Example: not like 'test%' will exclude usernames like "tester" or "test123".
  • in ('value1','value2',...) → Filters records that match any of the listed values. Example: in ('active','cactus','apple') will show only records with these values.
  • not in ('value1','value2',...) → Excludes records that contain any of the listed values. Example: not in ('active','cactus','apple') will remove these values from results.
Filtering Guidelines
  • String Formatting: Wrap strings in single quotes and separate multiple values with commas and no spacing (e.g., 'active','pending'). Ensure correct formatting for accurate results.
  • Number Fields: Some fields may be treated as strings even if they store numbers—ensure correct formatting.
  • AND Logic Only: Each filter is combined using AND logic. There is no OR option. Keep this in mind when creating searches.
  • Multiple Values: For cases where a user can have multiple values, create a separate report or use the "IN" operator (e.g., in ('admin','editor')).

Applying a Filter

  1. Select a field from the dropdown.
  2. Choose an operator that fits your condition.
  3. Enter the required values (if needed).
  4. The filter will be applied automatically, and the results will be updated.
  5. To remove a filter, click the red "X" next to it.

Example Usage

  • If you want to find all users with roles that include "Administrator", you can select the "Current Role" field and use the "like" operator with the value "%Administrator%".
  • If you want to exclude all users with roles of "Guest", use "not like" with the value "Guest".


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