Adding Members

  Documentation | Members | Adding Members

Manually adding members

Is simple, go into the members screen and click 'Add New'.

The minimal fields you need are:

  • Status (Active or Not Active)
  • Username (often same as email address)
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email

All other fields are optional.

Initially when you create a user, they won't have any access, give them access to a Subscription or a Role manually.

Inbuilt roles are:

  • Administrator (they will have full admin access to the mition site)
  • Staff (they will be able to manage members and website)
  • Member (they will have access to edit their own information and any webpages or document libraries where members have been granted access).

These roles cannot be altered but your organisation can create its own custom roles with varied access.

We recommend that everyone of your members/staff have at least one of these inbuilt roles, as they have sufficient access to access most modules, users can be attached to multiple roles.

Website Editors
In some cases you may want to give a staff member or contractor access to the website only, in this event create a new Role called Staff (Website Only) and give that role access to the Webpage controller (which allows them to edit webpages), if you give them the role Staff, they will have access to most financial/member details. Create other roles with limited access like this to other features. 

Remember to always test your roles by impersonating users to see what they can access.

Self Serve

With a large number of members, it is far more efficient for members to register (join) and manage their own accounts and payments. We call this self serve and it allows automation of processes to dramatically reduce the amount of administration required to manage your members.

The best way to set this up is to use Subscriptions. Then provide a link to join via the subscription.

Before adding users manually, should consider setting up subscriptions as to make it easier for staff to create users manually as subscriptions are not retrospective.

Subscriptions can be complex as the modal has been designed to cater all scenarios, such as annual memberships, monthly, pro-rata, lifetime etc.

The key benefit of a subscription is they come with the ability to add Roles to users. Why is this important? Automating adding roles means that users get access to what they need immediately, webpages (which include user directories / resources / discussions and anything else you provide them using the website module) and document libraries (again anything you give them permission to see).

We recommend you set-up your basic subscriptions as a starting point for your Mition portal.

Data migration / Bulk Loading

These are some tools your administrators have to bulk load users.

See the module Data Migration to bulk load users. This allows you to prepare your member data into the right format and bulk load member data, and bulk load subscriptions.

Address cleansing is not included in this process, if you want to store users addresses please speak to Mition Control to add addresses to the correct fields.

We find that this is a complex procedure and we offer support for this in most of our onboarding packages.

When you are ready to load your member information, get in contact with and we can provide tips and traps.


Editing Members

Users who have been give the role of Administrator or Staff can edit any members details. All changes are kept in the auditlog and you can view who changed what under the History button on the Edit User screen. Staff edit users via the ...

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Password Complexity & Security

You can enforce complex passwords for members (see Admin Settings > Members> Password Complexity).

Workflows can be used to validate emails, mobile numbers and devices.

Device security is similar to 2FA where only if the user has validated a device via entering a mobile SMS code are they able to use.