Documentation | Webpages | Security Settings
Add security with Web pages, create pages and areas that are limited to people who are part of a specific role, include more than 1 role to allows access to more groups.
Create new roles (see Admin Settings > Members > Roles) or use the inbuilt Roles provided (the ones provided are Administrator, Staff, Member).
Assign roles to users manually, one at a time or in bulk, have a role assigned to a user automatically when they add a subscription (free or paid subscriptions can be monthly, yearly or fixed period).
By default a new webpage is publicly available, when you copy a webpage, it has the security set from the webpage it is copied from.
The menu, page lists and search all use this page security, a logged in user sees menu items they have access to, as well as pages and search results.
Webpages also have other security options.
Add access to only those who are attending an event, for example a conference.
Add access to specific individuals.
Control the visibility of web components to users.
Webpage security controls who can access the webpage, web component security further refines who can see individual components.
Show a link such as "Sign up" for anonymous users, while for members or those with access to a role such as "Conference" there is the ability to add additional content, such as hero's or menus on the webpage.