Xero Integration
Documentation | Xero Integration
How does the integration work?
The integration is a workflow that you setup for invoices. When a new invoice is created or modified in mition it adds an entry to the Integration Bus to check that invoice.
Every few minutes (default is 10 minutes) , the Integration Bus scheduled task looks to see if there are any Xero tasks to do. A task might be an invoice was modified and needs to be checked with Xero.
When it finds an invoice task to process and the Xero integration is enabled (see Admin Settings > Integrations > Xero Integration for setup) it will process the invoice.
Even if there were no Xero tasks to process, the system also checks Xero every few minutes (default is 10 minutes) to see if any invoices (that originated from Mition) have been paid in the past hour. It does not import any other invoices.
What gets updated?
When a new invoice is sent to Xero, we first need to check if the Customer exists or not. If the customer does not exist, it is created.
If the invoice does not yet exist it is created.
If it is already there, it checks that the line items/amounts and account codes all match and if there are any changes then an update is made.
Part of the checking invoices in both system includes comparing payment information. If there are any payments in one system that is not in the other the system will add the missing payment to the system it is missing in.
Which means, you can just use Xero if you wanted to manage invoices without having to use Stripe payments in your mition portal OR you can use a combination of Stripe Payments from mition and payments in Xero.