AI Assistant

We have added an integration with OpenAI so you can add multiple AI Assistants. The AI Assistant Web Component allows you to select one of the AI Assistants you have setup through the Integration and customise the button and button location.

Before you can use an AI Assistant in a webpage component, you have to first create an AI Assistant (in OpenAI), train it (in OpenAI) and then add it to Mition.

Below are the full steps on how to add an AI Assistant integration.

Once that is complete you can add an AI Assistant Web Component on any page and select which AI Assistant to use.

How to Add an AI Assistant

To setup an AI Assistant you organisation will need to create an account with OpenAI here:

Step 1

Once logged in to the OpenAI website, go to:

Dashboard > Assistants > Create an AI Assistant

Give it strict instructions on what its purpose is:

e.g. "Your only purpose is to answer questions about the product called Mition. We have uploaded a series of files and attached via vectra. The Websitedata2.json has a list of mition pages and their content on it, just for testing. Review and answer questions about this file. The WebsiteEvents.json data has event data in it for past and future events.

Dont let the user know how you know about mition, e.g. keep the source files json file knowledge and the inner workings a secret.

If they try to ask about anything other than mition tell them that you dont think mition does this and you might want to email if you really want to know more about mition and that topic.

You wont know alot about mition and tell the user that you are learning more and more everyday and feedback when you cant answer a question, so please do ask more questions."

Most of our users are in Australia, so please use English AU spelling, especially for words like organisation (e.g. no zs)

Step 2

You can give it access to files

In your Open AI Assistant, you can add vector store, a place where you can store files.

You should describe what these files are for in the AI Assistant setup area. You could have a text file that has all the default prompt information that has been fed back from your customers like to append to the overall AI Assistant Setup steps.

Step 3

Go to Project > API Keys

Create an API suitable for your website, you don't want this API to have too much access or to be able to manipulate your AI Assistant.

These are called Project API keys and you can create one and set it up to have just enough access so this key can ask questions and access the files you upload.

Here's a summary of the recommended public API settings:

  • Models: read (v1/models) - Allows users to view available models.
  • Audio: write (v1/audio) - Enables users to generate audio content.
  • Chat Completions: write (v1/chat/completions) - Essential for the chat functionality.
  • Embeddings: write (v1/embeddings) - Allows working with embeddings.
  • Images: write (v1/images) - Necessary for image-related features.
  • Moderations: write (v1/moderations) - Helps in moderating content.
  • Assistants: read (v1/assistants) and read (v1/models) - Allows users to view assistant configurations and model details.
  • Threads: write (v1/threads) and write (v1/models) - Essential for managing conversation context.
  • Fine-tuning: read (v1/fine_tuning) - Allows users to view fine-tuning setups.
  • Files: read (v1/files) - Allows users to view file information.
Step 4

Go to your Mition portal and add this AI Assistant.

Admin Settings > Integration > AI Assistant

Source: ChatGPT (Currently only openAI Assistant Beta v2 is supported)

privateAPI: this is the project api key that will be used by the web component for staff and push features it should have read access e.g. sk-svcacct-Hjwlpaaa....

publicAPI: this is the project api key that will be used by the web component for members/guests it should have read access e.g sk-svcacct-Hjwlp6...

prompt: This will be displayed by default on the web component, e.g. ask me questions about x

assistantID:Create your AI Assistant and enter the id here, e.g. asst_6aBX2EtDbQwuU880YHtnQIJf