The Course element is used to display structured educational content, allowing users to create and organise lessons or modules for online learning.
It’s ideal for presenting training materials, tutorials, or academic courses.
Key Features
- Course Title: Clearly identifies the subject of the course.
- Sections/Modules: Breaks the course into smaller, manageable topics or lessons.
- Progress Tracking: Allows users to track which lessons they’ve completed.
- Type: Select xAPI, Scorm, HTML or Mition
- Employee Training: The course component can be used to onboard new employees, providing structured lessons on company policies, tools, or job responsibilities.
- Online Learning (CPD & Professional Development): Courses can be offered on various topics with content divided into lessons or chapters, making it easy for learners to follow along.
- Mition Webpage: Use any webpage in Mition as a course page, no need for expensive 3rd party course editors.
For a more detailed look at how Mition's education module works, click HERE