Hero (2.0)

Another variation on Hero 2.0.
Desktop image : 1900 x 1300
Mobile image (optional) : 640 x 748
OR Video : Add an MP4 video for a video background.


In the Description field of a Hero 2.0 if you put two .. (two full stops) this triggers auto typing code.

First slide

In the Description field of a H

Hero (2.0) with video

Add an MP4 video for a video background.
Optionally use Title, Description, Button Links / Text and HTML here too.

Use Custom Class pt-5 when using this one not as the top element as it naturally wants to fit under the menu banner on desktop. If you have a transparent menu background this video or image is more predominant.

The Ultimate Australian Based Membership SaaS Solution

Hero 3.0

This iteration of the Hero has the ability to use The Custom Class "Overlay". Use Custom Class pt-5 when using this one not as the top element as it naturally wants to fit under the menu banner on desktop. If you have a transparent menu...

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