
Roles are used to control user access across the entire platform.

There are built-in roles for Administrator, Staff and Members for your use.

Add your own roles to further segment your users. You can refine the modules each role has access to.

When a user is assigned to a role, it gives them access to resources within the system. When you assign a role you give a start date for that users role and leave the end date empty. You can later remove that role by end dating it. This keeps a historical record of a users role across your organisation for important roles such Board Member, President. It allows you to track a users full historical journey with your organisation from Student to CEO.

Roles can be added to a user directly OR auto assigned a role via a Subscription, so users can subscribe and get access to the items they need immediately. You can enforce a paywall option OR give a certain number of days before the paywall starts (grace period) or not enforce payments at all before users access content.